Health insurance contribution rates 2023
The grand coalition had announced in the past summer pompously that starting from 2023 the contributions in the legal health insurance for the employees will sink. Of course, as always with such promises, this was just a fairy tale.
In purely visual terms, the uniform contribution rate will fall from 15.5 to 14.6 percent. But this “senkung” of 0.9 percentage points get the health insurance companies about additional contributions again back. However, this additional contribution is not demanded directly from the insured via bank transfer, but is due immediately with the pay slip. Thus, many employees should not even notice the additional contribution, although it is of course present and must also be paid month after month.
The employers can be pleased. They benefit from the new general contribution rate of 14.6 percent. As is well known, they pay half of this. And this rate is frozen at 7.3 percent for the foreseeable future. The employees pay the additional contribution alone and also all future increases. That is effective Klientelpolitik of the union at expense of the employees. More “net from the gross” was only an election campaign flight.
What way out remains?
Employees who have to remain in the statutory health insurance fund because their earnings are not sufficient to switch to a private health insurance fund must therefore be constantly informed about the amount of the required additional contribution. Since this additional contribution will vary from fund to fund, this is the only way to save a little money if you are always insured in the cheapest fund. If a health insurance company increases the additional contribution, the insured person can then switch to another one.
And a change to a more favorable health insurance is bitterly necessary, because in addition starting from January 2023 also the contribution rate of the nursing care insurance rises by 0.3 per cent points.
Additional contributions 2023
These additional contributions have now been decided for 2023 by the health insurance companies and announced without much fanfare. Understandably, the topic additional contribution over the way of the wage account is to remain nevertheless as far as possible in the concealment.
Do not levy an additional contribution (total contribution of 14.6 percent):
Euregio BKK, Metzinger BKK
0.3 % additional contribution (total contribution 14.9 percent):
AOK PLus, AOK Saxony-Anhalt, BKK MEM
0.35% additional contribution (total contribution 14.95 percent):
0.4% additional contribution (total contribution 15.0 percent):
BKK Pfaff, BKK Scheufelen, BKK VDN, hkk
0.5 % additional contribution (contribution of 15.1 percent):
Salus BKK, BKK SBH, BKK ZF&Partner
0.6% additional contribution (total contribution 15.2 percent):
BKK exclusiv, BKK firmus, BKK VerbundPlus, BKK ProVita, Bosch BKK, Die Bergische, IKK Brandenburg Berlin
0.7% additional contribution (total contribution 15.3 percent) raise:
actimonda, Audi BKK, Bertelsmann BKK, BIG direkt, BKK Aschenbach, BKK Freudenberg, BKK Technoform, Gildemeister, Siemag BKK, SKD BKK
0.8 % additional contribution (total contribution 15.4 percent) raise:
BKK Thüringer Energieversorgung, BKK Herkules, BKK HMR, BKK Mobil Oil, Dürkopp Adler, IKK classic, IKK gesund plus, Knappschaft, R+V BKK, Schwenninger, Techniker KK
0.9% additional contribution (total contribution 15.5 percent):
AOK Bavaria, AOK Hesse, AOK Northeast, AOK Northwest, AOK Rhineland-Palatinate/Saarland, Bahn BKK, BKK advita, atlas BKK, BKK Diakonie, BKK Henschel, BKK Textilgruppe Hof, BKK public, BKK VBU, BKK Vital, BKK Werra-Meissner, BKK Wirtschaft & Finanzen, DAK-Gesundheit, Debeka BKK, Deutsche BKK, Energie-BKK, Heimat, IKK Nord, Barmer GEK, KKH, mhplus, pronova, SBK, Securvita, TUI BKK, Vaillant BKK, WMF BKK
1.2% additional contribution (total contribution 15.8 percent):
BKK family, IKK Südwest
All insured persons whose health insurance company collects an additional contribution of 0.9 percent in the coming year, and that is the vast majority, pay the same total contribution as before. These employees can thus only dream of a reduction. The insured of the BKK family and the IKK Südwest even pay a lot more.
Change health insurance company
Anyone who wants more money in their pay packet next year should switch health insurers now if they plan to charge an additional contribution in 2023. Cancellation is only possible in writing. However, an informal letter with reference to the additional contribution is sufficient.
After that you are bound to the new health insurance company for 18 months. If this should increase in the one and a half years likewise the contributions, then within 2 months starting from coming into force of the increase again a special notice right exists.