iPhone 5 incl. Win All-Net-Flate
Smartphones have conquered people’s pants pockets and handbags. The simple cell phone clearly belongs to a dying breed. Hardly anyone leaves home without their smartphone these days. Internet, music, games, photos, videos, e-mails and chats are part of the basic equipment of the devices. People want to use all these applications on the move.
That’s what an iPhone is for, even if the market share of Apple devices has been declining in recent months. Smartphones with Android probably belong to the future. Their spread continues to increase. Nevertheless, the iPhone 5 is technically still up to date.
However, Apple is quite brazen with the price. Prices of 600 to 700 EUR depending on equipment are far away from good and evil. If you then put the relatively short life cycle in relation, smartphones are usually replaced after 2 to 3 years by a newer model, then some people think twice about whether it really has to be a device from Apple.
But now there is the iPhone 5 to win:
Kabel 1 and preis24.de raffle equal 5 pieces of the desired Smartphones with the unmistakable apple on them.
To make sure that the iPhone 5 can be used properly, the winners also get an all-net flat rate for 12 months. With it, you can make calls to all networks, surf the Internet and send text messages to all German mobile networks (the exact conditions are on the competition page).
To play along, all you have to do is solve a ridiculously simple competition question and leave your address. Up to the 05. May one has time for it.