Getting to know the different roulette variations
Online roulette enjoys great popularity. But who thinks that is only a game, in which a ball is thrown in, and the correct hit wins then in only one way, is far wrong. And he has not yet learned about the different roulette variations that make this game so attractive.
Two million German citizens use the Internet every day to gamble. How many of them play online roulette, no statistics prove yet. But there should be a growing number of enthusiastic roulette players who try their luck online at the roulette table.
Online roulette without business outfit
In online roulette, many players find it convenient that they can play the way they feel most comfortable. And the business outfit, at least after hours, is really not everyone’s cup of tea. Many players are happy to go to the online casino at the end of the day without having to follow any dress code rules. The player can sit down in front of the PC or laptop in exactly the way he or she feels most comfortable. Sometimes it may be quite little because home is home. But that’s what it’s all about: When playing online roulette you should feel comfortable. After all, the gambler wants to relax at the roulette table after work, and not have to meet any demands on the outfit as well.
The requirements to be able to play online roulette
In order to play online roulette it is necessary to register at an online casino. In the meantime there is a multitude of such casinos. The casino leisure is a steadily growing business. Who wants to register at an online casino, should definitely make sure that the casino is EU-regulated. If this is not the case, the gaming pleasure can quickly fade away. Before signing up, it makes sense to do an online casino comparison to find the right online casino for you. Here it is also necessary to pay attention to bonus credits, and of course to the participation and bonus conditions for it.
Another prerequisite for playing online roulette is the deposit of money. This is necessary at least when playing for real money. Here it is important to open a real money player account, so that this is also possible. You can find more about this at www.roulette games.online.
![Learn about the different roulette variations Learn about the different roulette variations](https://tedxmoncloa.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/learn-about-the-different-roulette-variations_1.jpeg)
What are the most popular roulette variants?
If the registration is successful, and the money to play roulette deposited, it can start with getting to know the different roulette variants. So there are z.B. the European Roulette, the French Roulette, the American Roulette and numerous other Roulette variants. The two main variants of roulette are American roulette and European roulette.
In American Roulette, the numbers 1-36, zero and double zero (0 and 0 respectively) are the most important numbers. 00) included. If you bet on one of the single numbers, you will receive a payout ratio of 35:1 if you win. In addition, of course, in American roulette you can bet on red or on black or on even or odd, instead of betting your money on a specific winning number. Depending on the online casino, in American Roulette the player may get half of his bet back if the 0 falls.
In European Roulette, a completely different and very clear rule applies to the zero: the “En Prison” rule. This roulette rule states that a player gets his bet back if the zero falls in the roulette wheel. This applies no matter what the player has bet his money on, on a simple number, on red or black or on even or odd.
Roulette table | Photo: ThomasWolter, pixabay.com, CC0 Public Domain
In addition, there are other roulette variants that differ from each other in one point or another. Before wagering money at a roulette table, it is important that you read the terms and conditions of the online casino in which you want to play. So you know beforehand which roulette variant will be played, and whether the online casino has any special rules for playing at the roulette wheel, if applicable.
Of course, the most exciting thing is to register at an online casino that offers several roulette variants at once. Thus, the popular game can be played at several different roulette tables with different roulette variants.